
A bag contains purple marbles and white marbles, 34 in total. The number of purple marbles is 1 less than 4 times the number of white marbles. How many purple marbles are there?

Accepted Solution

There are 27 purple marblesStep-by-step explanation:Let p be the purple marbles andw be the white marblesThen according to given statements[tex]p+w = 34\ \ \ Eqn\ 1\\p = 4w-1\ \ \ Eqn 2[/tex]Putting p = 4w-1 in equation 1[tex]4w-1 +w = 34[/tex]Adding one on both sides[tex]5w-1+1 = 34+1\\5w = 35[/tex]Dividing both sides by 5[tex]\frac{5w}{5} = \frac{35}{5}\\w = 7[/tex]Putting w = 7 in equation 2[tex]p = 4(7)-1\\p = 28-1\\p = 27[/tex]Hence,There are 27 purple marblesKeywords: Linear equationLearn more about linear equations at:brainly.com/question/2116906brainly.com/question/2131336#LearnwithBrainly