
This monitor has a diagonal length of 19 inches and an aspect ratio of 5:4. What are the width and height of the monitor? Round to the nearest tenth of an inch.

Accepted Solution

Rounded to the nearest tenth of an inch the Witdth of the monitor is 14.8 inches while the Height of the monitor is 11.9 inches.Explanation:The aspect ratio is defined as:"The proportional relationship between the width and height of an image"It is usually expressed in a mathematical language as:[tex]x:y \\ \\ x: \ Width \\ \\ y: \ Height[/tex]So, it is true that:[tex]x:y=5:4 \\ \\ or: \\ \\ \frac{x}{y}=\frac{5}{4} \\ \\ \therefore x=\frac{5y}{4}[/tex]In this case, we know that the monitor has a diagonal length (D):[tex]D=19in[/tex]So, by Pythagorean theorem:[tex]D^2=361 \\ \\ 361=x^2+y^2 \\ \\ Since \ x=\frac{5y}{4}[/tex][tex]D^2=361 \\ \\ 361=x^2+y^2 \\ \\ Since \ x=\frac{5y}{4} \\ \\ 361=\left(\frac{5y}{4}\right)^2+y^2 \\ \\ 361=\frac{25y^2}{16}+y^2 \\ \\ \frac{41}{16}y^2=361 \\ \\ y^2=\frac{261\times 16}{41} \\ \\ y=\sqrt{140.87} \\ \\ y=11.869in[/tex]Finding x:[tex]x=\frac{5(11.869)}{4} \\ \\ x=14.836in[/tex]Finally, rounded to the nearest tenth of an inch the Witdth of the monitor is 14.8 inches while the Height of the monitor is 11.9 inches.Learn more:Pythagorean Theorem: